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Add a Variable product

1 min read

A variable product is a product the comes in different variations of colors, sizes, material etc that a customer can choose from.
A typical variable product is a T-Shirt that comes in different colours eg Blue, White and Green and also comes in different sizes, Small Medium and large. Each variation of the T-Shirt can be treated as a product and it’s inventory can be managed individually per colour and size for example.

  1. From the main dashboard click Products then click Add New Product on the next page.
    Adding a variable product to sell online

  2. Add a product image by clicking Upload Product Image.

  3. On the dialogue box that opens, click Upload Files on the top left -> then click Select files. Now browse your computer/mobile device and locate the image of the product you are adding. This is the main image of the product. You can add more pictures of the product later if you need to.

  4. Now add the Product Title, starting with the brand name -> Enter the product price (you can change this later) -> Enter a short description for the product -> select all applicable categories -> Select your brand from the dropdown -> add a full description of the product, add as much information as possible -> Click Create Product.

  5. In the product type section select Variable Product and you can also adjust your product price and see your earnings after deductions.

  6. In the inventory section, enter your SKU (stock keeping unit) or barcode ->

  7. Don’t check the “Enable product stock management” box as your stock will be managed on variant level.

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