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3. Orders Menu

< 1 min read

The orders menu is used to manage your orders. In this menu, you can view order status, cancel orders, refund orders and view all order information.

NB. You can only process returns or refunds on completed orders and need to have funds available in your Afro Nala account to process a refund.

  1. To process a refund/refund, locate the order you would like to refund and/or process a return on and clock on it.
  2. Now click on the “Request Refund” button.
  3. To refund an item increase the “QTY” to 1 to refund and return the full amount of the item. If the order contains multiple items, choose the item/s you would like to return and refund by changing the “QTY” of only the products you would like to refund and return.
  4. The amount to be refunded will be updated on the “Submit Refund Request” button as well as the “Refund amount: field. Click on “Submit Refund Request” button to submit the request.



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